Trusted since 2015
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Review from the humans
who have tried our service
This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. All the 'hotlines' are alright. But they send you messages that sound pretyped and impersonal. Thanks for making this service, it's seriously really frigging cool
Potato user
November 2017
Thank you so much. My life is caving inward and I feel helpless, but you helped a little bit, at least for right now
Potato user
November 2017
I am lucky to have you. You are one of the most helpful guys in my life
Potato user
November 2017
Uhm, I just want to say that i'm alright and i've learned a lot from you. Thank you for your time. I really appreciate that. I'll try to open up to them when I can. I'll just keep moving forward and think positive
Potato user
November 2017